Sunday 29 October 2023

Your beauty is not skin deep

Perfectly Imperfect 

What is the definition of beauty?

"a combination of qualities, such as shape, colour, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight."

Do we really define the beauty of a person by just their outward appearance? I can honestly say, that yes, what pleases the eyes has a major part in how you perceive a person. But, it doesn't matter that much in the overall picture of what I believe is beautiful. See, we all have different opinions on what beauty is! And that's of it!


Your soul is the core of you, the infinite, eternal and immaterial part of what makes you, you. This is where you receive the whispers of God, Creator and Universe. When you tune in to those messages from the deepest part of you, the connection between you and your purpose and dreams have no other option but to respond.

Now, this is where things get very interesting. You ultimately have a choice in your response. The Creator never overrides your free will. So, do you start your soul journey or not? I can honestly say, that journey is the hardest one you will ever make. It requires you to dig deep into the darkest most fearful and frightening chambers of your being. My experience of this darkness started a few months after I went for a six hour spiritual healing session, and continued and is still in process to this day.

The point I am trying to make here is just one simple sentence.

The moment you start consciously living from that secret place, your perception of beauty changes.

Created to love

You start seeing people in a different light, make allowances for their differences, you have more compassion than you ever thought possible and the love you discover for yourself CANNOT be contained.  It invariably spills out of those cracks of your perfectly imperfect self into your actions, your words and your thoughts.

Your true value is how you see yourself. No one's opinion of you should be allowed to change that fact. "I belong to myself first before anyone else."

Your core value, the hidden gems you were given to discover, in my opinion, lies in your soul. You have all the answers within you. Some people go through life, never living their dreams and purpose, never being who they were created to be, and to me, this fact is absolutely heartbreaking. It upsets me more than any war, disaster or tragedy.

The funeral 

Sadly enough it took me years and several casualties of "war" to find myself.

I found myself more than once on my knees, questioning, crying uncontrollably from my soul, praying to whomever was listening. It hurts like hell to shed that cocoon of comfort.

And in those moments of agony within darkness you find shards of light, too beautiful in their brilliance...your butterfly soul emerges, and the realization that those glittering pieces, piercing the inky black sorrow is you. 

The deep cries out to the deep,

waking hours bleeding into a nightmare,

trying so hard just to sleep.

Trembling, quivering from lack of oxygen,

it's difficult to breathe.

Swimming through sorrow,

head underwater, reaching out for help,

but then you discover,

the only person you can rely on

is your beautiful broken self.

Save me, rescue me,

from this dark, hauntingly beautiful place.

God, I wish it didn't hurt so much,

but I hope to one day be,

the gem you designed and lovingly created,

the person I was meant to be.

©️ Irma Dixon 

Monday 16 October 2023

When is the right time?

Navigating through challenges.

Life has a tendency to interrupt the best laid plans. Whether it is your every day job, responsibilities at home or random events that leaves you breathless. As a poet, sifting through almost 300 poems that will become my first bundle is daunting, despite the fact that they are all superimposed on images, ready to copy and paste.
I am definitely not making excuses and certainly not postponing the process, but to let it make sense, is a different kettle of fish.

Nothing new under the sun.

"I think new writers are worried that it all has been said before. Sure it has, but not by you." - Asha Dornfest

I have been asked "What makes you so sure that your poetry will find a niche?"
Fistly, your vision. I write my poetry from myself, to myself and if it has the ability to change one person's life, help them find their purpose, dreams and voice, I will be content.

Secondly, forget anyone's opinion but your own. If you write with the express need for affirmation, I would say, write some more. Not everyone will find your work beautiful. Not everyone will appreciate the effort you put into it, and not everyone will understand it.

And it's ok!

Nobody sees life from your perspective, because there is only one of you, in the now. You are unique and your experiences differ from everyone else. 
Look at me. Preaching to myself...
Do I feel that now is the right time? Yes and no.

The narrow and crooked path

Having a full-time job definitely has an influence on the timing of publishing. It is walking a fine line of "Do I inform my employer of my passion?" "What if..." etcetera, especially if you are the first person people see when they walk into reception.

To the people who have followed me on both my Instagram pages, you know the diversity of my writing, and I might face backlash. I respect my employers infinitely,

It will however, limit me to the type of poems I can select. And I am prepared to make "the rest" wait until I am ready to publish the second bundle. 

I have set myself a deadline, and come hell or high water, I will see this through.

I believe this.

The gift to translate pain into words...

The ink will bleed your truth.

Saturday 14 October 2023


Welcome to my mind, heart and soul. 
We all have the inate ability to create something out of ourselves. We are born with it...but we forget the moment the world sinks its clutches and teeth into our souls. 

We become jaded, focused on the world around us...formed into a lifeless blueprint of the Matrix. Shaped by social, religious, cultural and gender conditioning. Influenced by social media, and the opinions of others.

My journey into discovering the deeper side of myself, the writer wanting to break free, was not easy. It involved a lot of spiritual growth, which in itself is painful. To shed the cocoon of restrictions I allowed the world to wrap me in, unleashed a river of words.

Never, and still, could I have imagined these words coming from my soul. It is where I write from, where the spoken word is just inadequate. Sentences and phrases from a place where time and the chains of slavery do not exist.
Let me be clear though...when I write a poem it usually takes me a minimum of 5 minutes and max 15 minutes. And when I read what I have written...oh wow, sometimes I just cry...and almost always questioning "Universe, is this for me?" I floor myself every time. 

I cannot describe what goes on in my mind, but my heart is there for everyone to see. What else can I be but love in a world lost?

My writing has connected me with the most beautiful people, people connected to me by an useen thread, woven through multiple dimensions, tied to my heart and soul. And each and everyone of them has a unique and special gift.
Forever grateful. 
I will however share more of myself as time passes and also answer questions from anyone commenting here.❤️

Please feel free to comment!

Your beauty is not skin deep

Perfectly Imperfect  What is the definition of beauty? "a combination of qualities, such as shape, colour, or form, that  pleases  the ...